Your small animal practice for holistic veterinary medicine specialised in acupuncture and osteopathy in central Switzerland.
In addition to classical veterinary medicine (range of services of a small animal practice without surgery) and veterinary advice (including nutritional advice), my main areas of treatment are acupuncture, osteopathy and homeopathy.
In a calm and stress-free atmosphere, most animals enjoy the gentle, sensitive treatment and they realize that the treatment is good for them.
As a veterinarian, I have many years of experience in the conventional and alternative treatment of animals.
Even if you are looking for a supplement or alternative to conventional medicine, you are right in my practice. I am looking forward to working with you to find the right therapy for your animal.
For questions or to make an appointment you can reach me at:
Kleintierpraxis für ganzheitliche Tiermedizin
Dr. med. vet. Katharina Kellner
Bodenstrasse 25
CH- 6403 Küssnacht am Rigi
Tel: (+41) (0)79 345 49 82
E-mail: kellner@akupunkturtierarzt.ch

Miracles are not performed. Healing is not guaranteed. My only guarantee is that I exercise all my professional skills to the best of my knowledge and belief.
(Sutherland, Some Thoughts)
Frequently Asked Questions
For what conditions can acupuncture and/or osteopathy be helpful for my pet?
Holistic treatment is very effective in relieving chronic pain and tension, activating the body’s self-healing powers and supporting and promoting your pet’s well-being.
The indications are very diverse.
- Chronic pain
- Changes in posture and gait, e.g. after an accident or fall
- Restrictions in the musculoskeletal system such as lameness as a result of trauma, arthrosis, arthritis, spondylosis, HD or general weakness
- Neurological deficits such as crooked head, grinding claws, herniated discs
- Allergies and autoimmune diseases
- Diseases of the respiratory tract
- Urinary tract disorders such as incontinence, chronic renal insufficiency, cystitis
- Disorders of the digestive tract such as vomiting or diarrhea
- Supportive for hormonal disorders
- Age-related complaints, e.g. general poor performance
- Maintaining mobility and support for old animals or sporting dogs
Is acupuncture or osteopathy possible for dogs and cats or small pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs?
In a calm and stress-free atmosphere, most animals enjoy the gentle, sensitive treatment and they realize that the treatment is good for them
Can I have acupuncture or osteopathy treatment if my dog or cat is very anxious?
If an animal is very anxious, it sometimes takes time for the animal to get used to being touched everywhere. However, the basic prerequisite is that an animal allows itself to be touched.
Does the acupuncture treatment hurt my dog or cat….?
Most animals hardly react to the insertion of the very fine needles and relax during the treatment. If an animal does not like needles, acupuncture can also be carried out absolutely painlessly using an acupuncture laser.
How often should an animal be treated with acupuncture and/or osteopathy?
The duration and frequency of treatment is very individual and depends on the patient and the illness. 2 or 3 treatments may be sufficient for young animals with an acute illness or directly after an accident. For older animals or chronic illnesses, regular treatment may be advisable.
How long does a treatment with acupuncture and/or osteopathy take?
As a rule, we need 45-60 minutes for the initial consultation, including taking the patient’s medical history, examination and treatment. Follow-up treatments usually take 30-45 minutes.
Apart from cats and dogs, do you also treat small pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs?
The majority of my patients are dogs or cats, but osteopathy and acupuncture can also be used for rabbits and guinea pigs. As there is often a lack of approved medication for small pets, it can even make sense to treat a rabbit or guinea pig with acupuncture, osteopathy and/or herbs. Herbs are usually eaten by guinea pigs and rabbits.
Can I simply have my dog or cat vaccinated at your practice?
Yes, in my veterinary practice I also offer the normal conventional medical services of a small animal practice, such as vaccinations.
For which illnesses does additional nutritional advice (according to the guidelines of Chinese medicine, TCM) make sense for my dog or cat?
Especially in the case of allergies and chronic gastrointestinal diseases, an additional change of food according to TCM is often an important part of the treatment. However, a change of diet can also make sense for other illnesses.