What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is an alternative medical treatment method that goes back to the observations of the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann. Its name-giving and most important basic assumption is the principle of similarity formulated by Hahnemann: ‘Similar things should be cured by similar things’ (similia similibus curentur). According to this principle, a homeopathic remedy should be selected in such a way that it can produce similar symptoms in a healthy person as those from which the sick person suffers, whereby the patient’s disposition and character are also taken into account. To this end, Hahnemann and his successors compiled extensive tables (repertories), with the help of which the homeopath should assign the patient and his symptoms to a so-called remedy picture.

For which diseases can homeopathy be used?
In principle, many different disease states can be treated homeopathically where extensive tissue destruction has not yet occurred. Acute illnesses that require rapid surgical or intensive medical intervention, e.g. bone fractures, are not the domain of homeopathy. However, it can also be used here as an adjuvant.
Homeopathy is not a panacea, but if it is used sensibly and in the right dosage, it can activate the body’s own healing powers and achieve good treatment results.
How does homeopathy work?
To prepare the medicines, the basic substances are subjected to so-called potentisation, i.e. they are repeatedly shaken (usually in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:100) with water or ethanol or rubbed with lactose. Dilution was initially carried out due to the toxicity of many of the substances used. Only in a later phase did Hahnemann prescribe so-called high potencies, in which the starting substances are diluted to such an extent that they are no longer detectable. Hahnemann assumed that through the special process of potentisation or ‘dynamisation’, a ‘spirit-like force hidden in the inner essence of the remedies’ would become effective.
Since a specific remedy is sought for each animal, a so-called constitutional remedy, which corresponds to the nature of the animal and the way in which a disease manifests itself, the effect is difficult to prove scientifically.
How does the animal react to a homeopathic remedy?
Homeopathic remedies work on all levels of bodily functions. The remedy should not be changed frequently, as the effect continues to unfold over a long period of time. Healing takes place according to the principle of Hering’s rule in the body from top to bottom and from the inside out (i.e. from the vital to the less vital organs). As healing progresses, the symptoms appear in exactly the reverse order to when they first appeared and then disappear again (symptoms that existed in the past may reappear briefly).

Treatment procedure
- There are 2 types of homeopathic treatment. There are some remedies that have a proven indication and can be used symptomatically or, as classical homeopathy prescribes, you look for a special remedy that is tailored to the animal, the so-called constitutional remedy.
- In order to select the right constitutional remedy for your animal, an extensive initial consultation takes place, for which you should allow about an hour. During this consultation, the animal’s main complaints, its general reaction (for example to the weather, cold, heat, sun, etc.) and any mood changes triggered by the illness are determined. Equally important is information about previous illnesses and special character traits of the animal.
- The homeopathic remedy best suited to the individual complaints is only prescribed after careful evaluation of the information (repertorisation).
- The remedy is usually only given orally once.
- In the case of chronic illnesses, either a follow-up appointment or a detailed telephone consultation should take place within the next 4-6 weeks in order to be able to assess the course of treatment.
In the case of acute illnesses, a telephone consultation should take place after approx. 1 week.