Kleintierpraxis für ganzheitliche Tiermedizin

Dr. med. vet. Katharina Kellner


Osteopathy is the philosophy of natural self-healing

Osteopathic treatment is a manual therapy and aims to strengthen the patient’s self-healing powers and release blockages. Tension can occur either directly in a diseased part of the body or as a result of a disease in another part of the body. As the entire body, including its organs and body cavities, is connected by connective tissue membranes and ligaments, tensions that have arisen continue to build up and can lead to chronic complaints.

Osteopathy stands on 3 foundations:

  1. Partietal therapy (connective tissue, joints and spine)
  2. Visceral therapy (internal organs and their connective tissue suspension)
  3. Cranio-sacral therapy (connection between the skull with its various cranial plates and the sacrum, which are connected to each other via the meninges and spinal cord membranes and the cerebrospinal fluid)

The osteopath uses his hands to check for tension in the tissue and the mobility of joints. As all regions of the body are connected by connective tissue, the therapist can use this to apply a healing impulse at a suitable point. Local blockages can be released through treatment, but a remote effect can also be achieved throughout the patient at the same time.

Osteopathy can be used on its own. However, it is also very well suited as a supplement to conventional medical or other holistic treatment. Most animals enjoy this gentle therapy, which is generally pain-free for the patient.

When is osteopathic treatment useful?

  • Changes in posture and gait or lameness for which no cause is found
  • Movement disorders and pain in the head/neck, neck, shoulder, back, pelvis, tail, front and hind legs
  • neurological problems
  • Animals with orthopaedic problems that are not or not yet to be operated on
  • after accidents such as a car accident, a collision between 2 animals, a fall or biting accident (this can lead to compression of the spine)
  • for faster regeneration after operations or as a rehabilitation measure after injuries
  • Maintaining mobility and support for old animals
  • Support for athletic animals